Back to the Essence…
Sometimes there are experiences for which there are no words. The richness of feeling, experience, and emotion inside is such that no suitable names exist. Words, or language in general, then fall short. This was experienced by me and the participants of the Soul Leadership Retreat a few weeks ago when we were together on the Maasai plains of Northern Tanzania.
This first edition of the retreat was very special. It was the first time this dream was coming to fruition. When this retreat idea flowed through me in November 2022, I knew that something essential was being born. The program's structure, the locations, the content, the nature—everything was carefully selected, assembled, and created for this retreat that I was now going to facilitate for real. Finally, the time had come. And while we were experiencing, going through, and living the program, I felt how the layers in the program opened up exactly as intended. How the participants settled into a foundation and how slowly, various things began to reveal themselves. Within themselves, between each other. Complete depth and the emergence of their essence.
After five days, we traveled deeper into the African wilderness. To touch yet another deeper layer, to connect even further with the essence. As if it was meant to be, during this journey to the far remote African plains, our safari vehicle got stuck in the mud. Surrounded by all kinds of wild animals, with the nearest city three hours away and the approaching night, we were brought back to the essence. Without phone reception, just with each other on a hill in the vast emptiness. Waiting for help, a solution, perhaps a miracle? Among all the practical ideas discussed, there was only one feeling that dominated within me: trust. Trust in the purpose, in our guide who came from the area, and in the fact that ultimately a solution always comes. Just as the sun set and disappeared on the horizon, our guide got the vehicle out of the mud, and we could continue our journey to the bush camp for the night.
That evening, we sat in silence by the fire. The moon shone brightly. Everything around us was bathed in its light. So far from civilization, words ceased to exist. Much was shared there by the fire. But without words. The collective experiences of the week passed through us. Simply being present in the African wilderness, in the emptiness yet full of life, was an experience for which none of us had words. One of the participants finally broke the silence and said, "This is a 'once in a lifetime'; I can't say anything else about it…"
Once back in civilization, we shared our experiences in a closing session. Tears, gratitude, and emotion. From them, and certainly from me as well. Realizing a long-cherished dream is simply deeply moving. Grateful for those who made it all possible. The participants and many others who played a role in this. And one thing was noticed by all of us. We named it Spirit. Each of us felt that something was at work. Through us, with us. Something special, something intangible, something bigger. Something that was meant to be. It was anything but coincidence. Everything was exactly right. Every part of the experience. The circle was complete on all levels.
From November 1-8, 2024, the next Soul Leadership Retreat is scheduled. If you feel the call for this journey, to return to the essence of things, please sign up. I would love to get in touch with you to get to know you.
With loving regards,